Monday, October 3, 2011

All Things

   The Bible says "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."  Why then do Christians tend to assume that when things work out for good, that God led them directly down the path they had chosen? The very best Christians, the ones who are an example to the believers, often speak as if every choice they make is the direct leading of God.  Perhaps it is ~ but the fact that it turns out for good is no proof of this.  God works all things for good to them that love him.

   Years ago I was required to submit to a situation that did not appear to me to be the will of God.  Because of the decision that was made, one of the loveliest Christian women I know was born of God.  Does that prove that the decision was indeed the will of God and perhaps even for-ordained of him?  No, it just means he worked it for good ~ as he always does to those who love him and are called according to his purpose.

   What tremendous freedom there is in knowing God can use all things for good!  It doesn't give freedom for sin. God forbid! But it gives peace.  We don't have to fret about each step that we take.  We must love God and seek to fulfill his purposes, but we don't have to be anxious about the non-moral details of life.  We can make choices according to the best of our poor ability and yet trust that he will work them for good.

   What's more, we can peacefully follow the leading of those in authority over us, even if we don't agree with their decisions ~ knowing with full assurance that God will work all things for our good, if we love him.

   The trick is to embrace this fully, and walk unruffled through all the disappointments of life, and yet not become passive in prayer.


  1. Wow, this is such a timely thought for our family lately. I'll send you an update soon!

    Love, Debbie

  2. Ah, this is so true and just what I needed this week. Your post is like a refreshing encouragement from the Lord. Thank you!!
