Saturday, January 2, 2016

More Animal Slippers

The little lovers of animal slippers have worn out and lost the bears and bunnies, and they want new ones to fit their growing feet and growing family.

To make new animals, I followed the basic pattern Animal Slippers, but knit them slightly bigger and didn't felt them down as much.

For the lizzards, I used stockinette stitch instead of garter.

I thought the lions would be puppies, but the orange yarn didn't felt, so I cut down the ears and added a mane.

The mice were going to be puppies, too, but they came out of the felting process looking more like mice, so mice they became.

On this set of slippers, I knit the ears on before felting, and they came out smaller than I anticipated.

The frogs are frogs.

It remains to be seen if these slippers are as popular as the originals.

1 comment:

  1. Love the little slippers! I didn't see them until now, but they are adorable!!!
