Wednesday, May 8, 2013

More Expectations

I'm still thinking about expectations, and the saying, Expectations ruin relationships. This is a true statement when applied to selfish and ridiculous expectations, but it can't apply to all expectations, for it seems to me that a friendship without expectations is no friendship it all. 

Expectations in Friendship

If I can’t expect a smile;
Can’t expect a friendly chat;
Can’t drop in and stay a while,
Then what kind of friend is that?

If I dare not speak my mind;
Dare not open up my heart,
Then my friend, however kind,
Is but friend to me in part.

I expect to trust my friend,
And expect that trust returned.
Expectations cannot end,
Where true friendship has been learned.

When you give what you expect,
Sometimes more, but never less,
Then your friendship you protect
From the snare of selfishness.

If you don’t expect at all;
Only give and never take,
Your capacity is small
Deep and mutual friends to make.

Expectations are not wrong —
Only foolish ones resist;
Those that flow from love belong;
Friends without them don't exist.

Linked to WholeHeartedHome


  1. This was beautiful, Nita. You have such a great way of putting things!
